What does being an entrepreneur mean nowadays?

What does being an entrepreneur mean nowadays?

English version What does being an entrepreneur mean nowadays? The entrepreneur is “an individual who starts and/ or manages a business, assuming the risks and responsibilities thereby entailed”. But what does it really mean? Over the years, entrepreneurship has changed, just as the tastes of consumers and markets have changed. And with globalization, competition has…

The consumer experience

The consumer experience

English version Welcome, I will try to briefly summarize the changes taking place in the selective cosmetics sector with regard to the development and consolidation of large industrial groups. Let’s start by analyzing the recent moves by the big luxury groups. L’Oreal, like Coty and LVMH, going against the trends determined by the general market…

What’s your dream?

What’s your dream?

English version Dear Readers, welcome back. What’s your dream? Close your eyes and imagine that you’ve been catapulted into your favorite dream. Can you feel the warmth or cold of the surrounding environment? Can you see the colors of your imagination? Can you take a step forward and enter your new reality? Welcome to your…

The world is changing

The world is changing

English version Dear Readers, welcome back. The world is changing, and together with the seasons and the weather, we also are adapting. As we change so we modify the dynamics that lead us to measure up to society and the market, altering our purchase behavior. What will the “Customer of the Future” look like? Many…

We are insane, passionately insane!

We are insane, passionately insane!

English version Dear Readers, It would be very easy these days to show no pity for some people or situations, especially after having had confirmation that stupidity and arrogance of the human being go hand in hand. But I won’t do it. I don’t consider myself an arrogant man or a stupid one. Instead I…

La superbia

La superbia

Italian version Il tema della copertina di questo mese è la superbia. Considerato il peggiore dei 7 vizi capitali nella religione cristiana, è anche la peggiore “bestia nera” di questi ultimi decenni. Ma cos’è la superbia? Il vocabolario la definisce come “esagerata stima di sé e dei propri meriti (reali o presunti), che si manifesta…